Tonight’s Episode ‘The Outspoken King’ a family face-off. will you be watching???
Tonight’s Episode ‘The Outspoken King’ a family face-off. will you be watching???
'KINGSMEN' -Atlanta's Photographer|Videographer|Blogger|Editor
We will be looking for that feature Zaye Diggs
I was an extra on Episode 3 and 4. I hope that I made the cut. LOL
Then i wanna see that fool Terrence put on like he dont know what happened to ole boy he killed!
What channel?
Yes i will Terrence and Taraji made sure of that! Hooked already. ….. i just hope the writer keep me locked liked everybody else is on SCANDLE cause i never could get into it…..
Me 2
It was great, Taraji and Terrence were awesome, cant wait
Sure thing
I might hav to miss out, missed the 1st one. I love Power tho. But heard they were pushin the gay agenda on that show
one of his sons is gay on the show and the dad don’t really care for his gay butt pumping!!!
O ok, I just get tired of everytime I turn on the TV, they slam that mess in yo face like its the new trend or new normal
its like real life because his dad is calling him a B@# for dressing up like a girl and his mom is trying to protect him so its kind of real how they got it.
they got a fox app you can put on your phone and watch the first one for free
Ok, yea that IS like real life, I might hav2 checc it out
Yes I sure will!!!