Floyd Mayweather will face Manny Pacquiao May 2nd in Vegas for the richest contest in boxing history!
Floyd Mayweather will face Manny Pacquiao May 2nd in Vegas for the richest contest in boxing history!
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He we go wit this five years ago shit. So wut uvtryin to say? Floyd is older than manny don’t u think five years ago floyd would b five years younger….that means he would b more stronger more faster and then manny would have gotten an even worse ass whoopin
Yes he is
Manny seems kinda weak
Everything is so fix I won’t be surprised if dey make Floyd lose
He know he can’t run around the ring on Paq thats why he dodged so long thats what he do.
Naw, Chad they both have to much to lose! It’s all about pride now!
Sick of the hype. Mayweather just gonna run around the ring like always
But no one he fought throws mad combos with power like pac-man… we will see.. you might be right but if this fight took place 5 or 6 years ago pac-man would’ve whipped on floyd that’s why he kept ducking him
Money is toooooo fast for manny
This is the main event! #moneyteam
All bets on money may pac bout 2 get that work
Now that he is 70 ducked him and dodged him enough.. I hope pac-mac knocks his ass out