“I feel good, man, because it’s that kind of trap that we want people to do,” Homie said when asked about his take on fans rapping to his “My N*gga” song. “It’s almost like cross-over music. I feel good. I don’t really look at nothing by it. It’s good. You make music so people can recite it and that’s what they’re doing, they’re reciting the song. … I wouldn’t say racism is worse in the South because it was so hard in the South, I think people are very nice in the South now and don’t want to go back to those days. I’ve seen very little racism since I’ve been living.” (VLAD TV)

Photo credit: Kingsmen Media


'KINGSMEN' -Atlanta's Photographer|Videographer|Blogger|Editor

30 thoughts on “Rich Homie Quan is Cool with Other Races Using the N-Word ”
  1. One thing I want to state is that my contrasting posts ( many people call them negative) are never in disrespect to you Sly. Like I said before I always play the devil’s advocate. You can say “RIGHT” and I’ll say “LEFT” just for the sake of having a good back and forth brainpicking. In a world full of “yes men” you always need a “what if” man. I have the utmost respect for what you’ve done and are DOING. Don’t get it twisted.

  2. Words are a big deal sometimes as harsh as a fist that particular word left my vocabulary years ago even in a joking matter I donr greet or talk to my fellow brothers with hey whats up N..I say hey or what up my brother or if I am upset or angry I say that clown etc…..not that word though too many scars behind it…We are not the N word we are Black Men….adress me as such

    1. Same here. I stopped about 3/4 years ago. It came when I started hanging around older people that feel like we don’t have any respect for what they went through

    2. Thats how I stopped about 4-5 years ago hanging around 50-60 year olds who lived in the Civil Rights Era (which really didnt end until the late 70s) that word is very harmful to them and now myself as a man we should have some pride in not allowing it to be said even in a playful manner

    3. I just stopped and have been telling my kids to erase it from their vocabulary you can’t expect other people to respect you if you don’t respect yourselves I totally feel what you are saying

    4. It took me awhile to wake up to grow to come into the light but its sad some people will never grow will always remain in the dark I keep picturing Lawrence Fishburne at the end of the movie school daze ringing the bell screaming Wake Up SirJason L Olds now I get it but hey when you know better you do better some people still don’t know I will keep praying

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