T.I. Photo credit: Kingsmen Media

“I know that I have never taken from anybody’s creative,” he told Access Hollywood ‘s Shaun Robinson while promoting his new film “Get Hard” in Los Angeles on Saturday. “I have never walked into the studio and used anybody else’s idea to contribute to mine. And I think that the universe and gods who look down on us all and have something to do with an outcome — that will exonerate me. I ain’t trippin’.”

I know Pharrell. I know how he works. I have seen him a thousand times go into his studio and never have I ever seen him sample anything ever. Never have I ever seen him do something where he intentionally maliciously said, ‘I’m going to take that and flip it.’ I’ve never seen him do it,” T.I. said. “Now I have seen other producers do it, I have. They ain’t in court though. I’ve never seen him do it.”


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