SERIES DESCRIPTION: In Atlanta, in the 1990’s a complex web of personal stories unfolds. Paige, a promising Spelman sophomore, veers off her path to success when she falls for a “bad boy” just before the pivotal “Freaknik” event. Adulthood disrupts their lives, pulling Paige, her long-term boyfriend Malcolm, and newcomer Romeo into a series of challenges. Amidst Atlanta’s global Olympic spotlight, eventual mayor Robert Dawn’s rise to power comes at the price of personal sacrifices and moral dilemmas. These interconnected stories set off a transformative chain reaction in the city, echoing Dante’s words: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”


  • Executive Producers: Tyler Perry, Armani Ortiz
  • Producers: Asante White, Deance Wyatt
  • Written by: Armani Ortiz
  • Directed by: Armani Ortiz                         
  • Produced by: Tyler Perry Studios 


Red Carpet Coverage-Celebrity News- Event Photography/Videography