First I want to thank Apostle Roberta Cutwright for contacting me about teaming up for the Youth Event! Special thanks to Darlene McCoy

for taking time out of her schedule to encourage the youth and share her touching story with them. God showed up and had his way! We also had a class on STDs that was provided by Grady Hospital. Gospel Rapper Y.O. performed to a standing crowd as we gave thanks to GOD!!! Thank you Genesis and Faith Cutwright and the youth from Chain Breakers International Church for hosting this event! Thank you to New Faith Christian Church for providing us with the location!

Check out some video and photos from the event below. For more info contact



Red Carpet Coverage-Celebrity News- Event Photography/Videography

22 thoughts on “Darlene McCoy Mentors the Youth at the Open Door Teen Talk/Summit”
  1. I really enjoyed it..beautiful atmosphere..encouraging testimonies..helpful info..Raya said she enjoyed this 1 the best so far..great job on putting it together

  2. Wow!! What an event. I’m still feasting off of yesterday. I can’t wait till the next one Kingsmen White. I have people already asking when is the next one. We got to let them know something soon

  3. Listening to her speaking about dating brings back memories. Mothers would give me the 3rd degree because my voice was deep. (ok, it wasn’t REALLY deep, but I’d hit that Barry White when calling) LOL!!!! Man, my voice would be so alto by the time the person I called for came to the phone that I’d have to regroup and reach deep to find Barry again. LOL!!!! (parents represented the village back then, I met her parents and hers met my mother)

  4. Thank you for sharing the video Kingsmen White…it is sooo refreshing tto see our ladies helping these young girls see what’s REALLY going ON!!!! Our young girls must be aware and educated but MOST OF ALL VALUED!!! it takes us ALL to raise OUR girls NO HOLDS BARRED!!!!
    Thank you Darlene McCoy <3 <3

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