Wayne says Birdman and Cash Money have grossly mismanaged the company by stiffing lots of people who are owed money, failing to fork over profits and lots of other stuff.

 Wayne says it’s getting so bad, Nicki and Drake are about to leave the label, something the New Orleans rapper has already done.


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10 thoughts on “Drake and Nicki Minaj Leaving Young Money”
  1. I kinda saw this coming….How are Lil Wayne and Birdman handling the day to day operarions if they are barely on speaking terms? Besides, its messy from what they are saying…..and this beef between Wayne and Birdman has GOT TO be affecting the business side of Drake and Nikki.

  2. Yes Drake would benefit the most because he has like baby, wayne, j prince, and another old manager all eating off of him so if he can get free and sign a deal he will make major $$. If he was smart he could stay independent and make a killing

  3. If he can get the court to agree that cash money is doing bad business then he can keep young money as a separate label and keep his artists. But if they both can file like wayne is filing and both leave. Drake will get HUGE offers from labels and the courts can dismiss his current contract and he would see major $$$ Eddie Ellis

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