COOGI brand partnered with PURE Atlanta and One Grand Gallery for Ready

2 Die, a tribute to the legacy of the Notorious BIG and the relaunch of

COOGI on Thursday, Oct 22nd. 
Lizzie PURE owner of PURE Atlanta said the collaboration was perfect for

the store because of its longtime affiliation with hip hop. “I’m a hip

hop enthusiast and PURE has always supported the hip hop community.

Doing this event with COOGI allowed us to be a part of the brands

re-launch and I loved the idea of connecting with the art community,”

Lizzie PURE says. 
The event consisted of selected pieces of art honoring the late

Notorious BIG on display at PURE. Several guests purchased artwork which

was managed by One Grand Gallery. 

photos by Nadia 


Red Carpet Coverage-Celebrity News- Event Photography/Videography

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