Speaking to TeamCurtains.com, the singer took the long way around to homophobia by saying that while she doesn’t believe it’s her place to judge anyone, the Bible says that being LGBT is a sin. “I believe sin is sin and it exists and God forgives it just like everything else.” Wow, must be tough for someone to live their authentic life and be told their very nature is a “sin.” But she also has a strategy for how to deal with the sinners: open the church doors to them and “let God do the saving.”
“Keep sharing, keep loving, keep opening the doors of our churches, keep embracing and let God do the changing,” Campbell explained. “I think a lot of times we try to be God. We try to make the change. Everybody has an issue. Sometimes people’s [issue] is a little more flamboyant than others. Maybe yours is lying and we can’t see your issue. We all have something to work on. My job is to love, not to judge.”



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39 thoughts on “Erica Campbell Believes Being Transgender or Gay Is a Sin”
  1. She said it was a sin. She did not judge the person committing it. A person can name a list of sins that I know me (a person in Christ) has commited and I would not be offended because they are generally speaking biblical facts!! Some transgenders and their “followers” are probably mad acting like she said ” your all doomed for eternal damnation” lol So freaking sensitive.

  2. We have to stand on what we believe and stop being afraid. I can disagree with someone and their lifestyle whatever it may be, but i won’t disrespect them!

  3. Yeah its a sin but so is many other things!!! Soooo why is this news… No one is perfect thats why christ came.. But what i dont like to read is ppl pumping it up like being gay or transgender is the sin of all sins smh… Everyone sin or have sinned and NO ONE IS FREE OF SIN.. Hell erica still sin too so lets not get to caught up #ijs

  4. There is only one passage that REaLLY talks about how God felt about it which is Sidon and gamorah. Be fruitful and multiply doesn’t really deal with children. It means to be a person that produces. But I feel where you were comin from Paul Green. Also. Sodom and Gamorah angered God because of the lawlessness in those cities.

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