I am a mother, community leader, ministry leader, philanthropist, and an entrepreneur. As the founder of Speak Life Publications and Eagle Eye Leadership Academy, one thing I understand is the importance of balance and confidence. I began my entrepreneurial journey in 2010. It came with do overs, inconsistency, and lack of belief in me. Yet I never gave up. I kept pushing even when it didn’t seem like it on the surface.
Being a millennial entrepreneur I came up with technology and taught myself what others either weren’t teaching or didn’t know. Boy was that an interesting, but rewarding experience. I would encourage any business owner, current or preparing, to be consistent, believe in yourself when others don’t, and don’t be afraid to be different. See, but don’t see your competitors. You are your only competition.

Website: www.speaklifepublications.com
Email: Info@speaklifepublications.com