
Seems like Nikki Minaj is worried about losing her place as the TOP female Hiphop Artist. Lately she has been throwing a lot of shade towards IGGY from saying she don’t have to work hard for what she is getting credit for to saying T.I. is ghostwriting her songs to help her out. I just think that she don’t like sharing the spotlight and she is mad that ‘Fancy’ made the #1 spot on the charts. What do you think???? Leave a comment!


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56 thoughts on “Nicki Vs. IGGY”
  1. Iggy isn’t that great I’m sorry. Neither are better than the other they both sound the same with genre and lyrics. They run I’m the se field against each other. Nicki is protecting her territory as a pop princess and hip hip queen. She is shooting shots to keep people from taking her spot. There are better female artist who get no recognition because they sound too manly or have lyrics that speak like a boy. It isn’t common to see this either. Take a lot of effort to be a female mc …. And Iggy is mostly getting a pass because she is a white chick with curves. Sorry but not sorry. Nikki spits good little lines here and there you got to catch

  2. Kisha Simmons Poppa. bear? O_O Angel can never call me cute names like that in public!!!!!!! LOL Dino Simmons Poppa Bear! we changing your rap name to Cuddles

  3. I feel like Nikki is used to having the spotlight all to herself for the last five years so she claims, so therefore anyone else getting attention and people listening to their music I think it intimidates her. From what I was told Nicki has bars but that’s not what we see that’s not what we hear unless we buy the album. She’s pop to get paid and I understand that so let somebody else get in so they can shine too!

  4. I Don’t think Igggy is a better artist than Nicki at all, but Nicki needs to stop throwing shade and acting like she can’t handle other female artists because she’s at the top (she needs to behaved unbothered). Iggy Is cool, I just don’t see her poppin off for a long time. She’s just hot right now and I’m tired of her song already lol! However she seems cool and I wish her the best in her career. I would like to hear more of her music.

  5. We already know the answer, NO Dino Simmons, get somewhere and sit yo butt down and you better not start crying or I’m gonna give you something to cry about lol

  6. I’d have to say Nikki on a lyrical and marketing perspective. She is versatile and she managed to cross back and forth between mainstream and underground. Plus she got a machine behind her in Wayne, Baby and Slim. Say what you want about them but they have managed to keep their labels fresh to the masses. Don’t get me wrong Iggy is hot but I’d go with Nikki

  7. Iggy marketable but wack nickki is more of a m.c plus asap rocky couldnt help iggy at first so now t.i tryna pull some strings ..but yea her market is big

  8. Sumtingwong Witchu Saunders that’s why I said I’m looking at it as a marketing perspective when you look at making songs for the world vs. battling for the street but I’ll take iggy right now

  9. The ENTIRE rap industry is trash, bro. I opted to YouTube Iggy when she began making such a stir in the water. I heard T.I. in a woman’s voice. Truthfully, I’m just glad to see Nicki Minaj look NORMAL!!!! And if people think T.I. is gonna admit to ghost writing for this young lady, then they’ve missed the boat A LONG TIME AGO.

  10. If they keep it strictly music, it’s good for hip hop. I like both artist! We need that back in hip hop anyways! It’s so hush puppied out! We need that Kool Moe Dee, KRS-One, LL Cool J, Big Daddy Kane, Rakim competition hip hop back! #WishfulThinking

  11. Sumtingwong Witchu Saunders I feel you but I just lost interest in nicki when she started hanging out with the pope on the red carpet and saying that Roman is her alter ego

  12. G Huff Ohio’s Best I think nicki is mad because she didn’t get that ‘Fancy’ song. It would of still been a hit with Charlie singing and nicki rapping

  13. If you listen to Iggy’s lyrics, she sounds JUST LIKE T.I.. No originality. Nicki Minaj is exposing the competition. Lyrically judging, NO female in the game can tamper with her str8 up, right now. Iggy is NOT ready. PERIOD.

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