When was the last time you walked into your favorite store and purchased a cd? How many CDs do you still own? I’m asking because lately I’ve been talking to music execs about what’s next? Cd sales are at an all time low and soon all CDs will be extinct besides your personal collection. Most people are downloading/stealing songs right to their personal devices. Will this mean iTunes and similar sites will have total control over sales in the future? how will the smaller mom and pop stores compete to sell online music?
Well with me as a independent record label I use them both but this digital age is coming into full bloom so I have my artists set up for digital and the physical CD’s its about reaching out in all phases to sell your product
Mp3 and IPods.
I’ll buy the cd if I like the person..last cd I bought was Tamar..other music I’ll use my free music download app
Kingsmen as for the CD age i wouldn’t say it is over as long as there are individuals whom still putting out their own music. Mp3s dominate the mainstream industry somewhat but as for having a tangible product in hand cds still have a lifeline
The Digital Age of Music has been here for a while, but is growing continuously, but at the same time, Napster ruined the CD game and it was an avalanche after that…
Brian BHazytrackz Haynes how can we compete when the CD era is over? Download cards?
I wish I knew!!!
What’s next?
I use to buy CD’s all the time and that was years ago…the way technology is set up I don’t anymore!!!
Indie artists definitely need to get at us and step up their presentation to have a tangible product to attract potential fans! #IHBMedia. #ijs
hmmm?… good question.