“Please y’all, I need y’all to be peaceful out there. We don’t need no more incidents because this is what they want,” a grief-stricken Brown Sr. said on the airwaves Sunday night about the then
ongoing looting and riots. “Y’all giving them what they want. Be with your families, love your love ones. Love the people that love you. I understand, cause everybody got hurt and people do things differently from other people. But we as a family, we don’t need this.”
“I need everybody’s support. We need justice for Mike. We need y’all. We need everybody to stick together to get this done right so nobody else’s family can go through no pain that I have right now for my son. I need y’all to get it together,” Brown Sr. continued.
Man…. And we have to listen to what he is saying! Right now he is the father of a nation!