

Rappers have to make sure that they are eating right and getting plenty of sleep before they head out on tour! Some people say it’s the drugs while others say poor eating habits. What do you think???



Red Carpet Coverage-Celebrity News- Event Photography/Videography

13 thoughts on “Kid Cudi Faints at Concert (Video)”
  1. he looks like he’s back strung out…kudi had a bad drug he looks emaciated…he was a self professed ‘liquid cocaine’ user..among other pills and things..hopefully whatever it is, he will be alright

  2. That forced me to eat right, exercise, and get rest. I lost 60lbs since 2012 and I feel great now. I have a time management/diet plan for when I’m out on tour so I won’t go back to those unhealthy years.

  3. That rest is important! I’m drug and alcohol free and I still worked myself right into the emergency room twice due to to exhaustion from lack of sleep and poor eating habits. This happened to me in 2011 and 2012

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