The Blacklist
The Blacklist is an American crime drama television series that premiered on NBC on September 23, 2013. Raymond “Red” Reddington (James Spader), a former government agent turned high-profile criminal, who had eluded capture for decades, voluntarily surrenders to the FBI, offering to cooperate on capturing a list of criminals who are virtually impossible to catch. He insists on working with a rookie profiler by the name of Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone). The show also stars Ryan Eggold and Harry Lennix. The pilot episode was written by Jon Bokenkamp and directed by Joe Carnahan.Executive producers for the series include Bokenkamp, John Eisendrath, and John Davis for Sony Pictures Television, Universal Television, and Davis Entertainment.
American horror story, orange is the new black
Masterchef, Hell’s Kitchen, first 48, Dead Again, Gotham
Animal Planet, Nat Geo Wild, etc……
American Horror Story (freak show), How to get away with murder, Orange is the new black, Game of thrones, Survivor.
Game of Thrones!
The Blacklist, person of interest, forever, revenge, and svu
Kingsmen I’m too many seasons behind on Breaking Bad – it would take me too long to catch up
Power, Orange Is The New Black, True Blood, The Leftovers, and How To Get Away With Murder
Breaking bad is also the best show ever hands down
Ask dre he watches it to… Y’all need to check it out ppl
Garron Thomas what is Gotham???
Gray’s Anatomy, Scandal, NCIS, Forensic Files & Criminal Minds
Wan Sheldon have you heard of breaking bad? My bro Joey Marotta keeps trying to get me on it!
Power and def RHOA which is coming back on in a few weeks I can’t wait!!!
BREAKING BAD (end of 2013)
GAME OF THRONES (still running)
Scandal, House Of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, Sons Of Anarchy, The Blacklist
Why is Gotham not on this list!!!
Scandal, Power, Tamar & Vince, RHOA, Iyanla Vanzant