
The family of Whitney Houston has expressed much disapproval over the upcoming Lifetime biopic about the late singer. The family protests that no one making the film really knew Houston, and are concerned the movie will misrepresent her relationship with husband Bobby Brown. Actress Angela Bassett, who is directing the movie and knew Houston professionally, has defended the movie and has been regularly retweeting fan support.

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31 thoughts on “Whitney Houston Biopic Directed by Angela Bassett”
  1. Angela played the role of Tina Turner, Brilliantly!! She co – starred with Whitney in Waiting to Exhale. So I feel she has a personal experience and the sharp mind to pull it together as “Tastefully ” as possible. We have to see!!

  2. She is an awesome character actress she gives all to her role what ever it might be, I keep thinking about her role of Stella when she got that groove back, she worked it out, I really can’t think of anything she did not act well in. And I believe she would want to honor Whitney in the best way she could, and she is probably feeling humbled by having been considered to play the role, that alone will make her want to do her best, and not let the legends memory and life be done in any way but the best.

  3. Absolutely! But Jamie been dope since In Living Color.I had no idea he was such a good musician until a few yrs ago.He’s got them Church roots too,it’s easy to see.

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