Reports are coming in that Memphitz and Toya Wright have Seperated! This is sad news for couple that are working hard to stay together. I Love this couple and I want to see the stay together! Let pray that they can work it out! Jesus can work it out (singing)
Cut it Sly!! Lol
Lol lol lol
I’m sure it’s no fault of Mickey wright. I think Toya acting up a little
If it is just area they need to come to a middle ground
I have his # I’ll call and see what’s good
Oh ok. Well that is good. They are definitely no Jay and Bey.
Yea they had a pretty quiet marriage..sources are saying the baby rumors are false he didn’t reverse his vasectomy
Wowwwwww it wasn’t like they stayed in the news. I’m talking you that baby is going to pop up somewhere. Lol
Supposedly he moved to La & left her n ATL..their saying he no longer wants to have a celebrity marriage
Time will tell.
Lol lol ok
I don’t believe it. I’m team Mickey Wright
Lol yes my son was telling me about it.
WOW..I didn’t know that about a side chick getting pregnant..I gotta do my research I’m slacking
Idk. It is disgusting!!!! How many other dudes do they think the slept with unprotected?????
I truly believe in that but God did not say We had to be anyone’s fool. He speaks of Divorce in scripture. I believe in doing all that you can. Both parties must be on the same page
Elizabeth Kennedy what’s up with all these cats getting their side pieces preg???? I think they want a Fam with them
Until death do us part
Well if the rumors are true about getting his side piece pregnant then beat it. They said he had his vasectomy reversed for Toya but she was having problems getting pregnate. Allegedly his side chick had no problem. The unprotected sex for me alone will seal it. I am sorry. You will not give me a potential death sentence. I am up there in age so cheating I am not dealing with at all. I made it to 50 and the next 50 God willing will be in peace, no drama.
Me 2