After the Detroit Free Press told of Robertson’s arduous 21-mile trek to and from his suburban factory job, the story inspired thousands of donations from across the nation. A day later, the soft-spoken machine operator got to meet the computer student from Wayne State University who launched an Internet crowd-funding site to gather more than $230,000 — a figure expected to continue to climb today.



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29 thoughts on “Detroit Man that Walks 21 Miles to work Collects $230,000 in Car Donations”
  1. no pity partys, not excuses, wow feeling some kinda way about occaisonal complaining, if you want it then it is worth working/walking for ! god bless him for doing it until…

  2. Here is a testimony of true faithfulness. This man has perfect attendance in his job, wow, this story has taught me multiple lessons just in keeping on and being a person of integrity and faithfulness, sowing those seeds and now he is reaping the blessings! God bless him!

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