When the driver got shot, Chris was leaning back in his seat texting like he always does. If he wasn’t leaning back that shot would have killed him.”

“It wasn’t his time.”

NFL running back Chris Johnson was shot in the shoulder during a drive-by in Orlando, FL early Sunday morning  … and one of the people in his car was killed.

Orange County Sheriff officials say the shooting took place around 4:09 AM — when a mystery shooter opened fire on a Jeep that Chris was in … along with two other people.



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8 thoughts on “NFL STAR SHOT IN DRIVE-BY … One Person Dead”
  1. He was titled the FASTEST man in the NFL. He was arrested a while back for having weapons in his vehicle. Regardless how far we advance, the remnants of our past is ALWAYS there. When you decide to hang out with trouble (family or friends), things happen. Seldom ever are those things positive. And jealousy has a rage that just festers and patiently waits for an opportunity to attack, mame, and destroy. Visiting family doesn’t mean you re-visit your past. You may not walk away so lucky……

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