
What she’s been up to.

If you’ve had hair envy, Kenya is releasing her own hair care line on the interwebs, Moore Hair Care  just in time for Mother’s Day and will be in stores in August. With Kenya’s hair being very healthy, defines what healthy hair looks and feels like. “Healthy hair is hair that isn’t dry, damaged, split or frayed. A lot of women are not happy with their hair and they think the only option they have is to wear weave, wigs extensions or clip –ins. Healthy hair has movement and shine.”

Kenya’s thoughts on her portrayal this season.

“I feel this is one of the best seasons because it shows who I really am. I have people around that genuinely know and love me.”

Her feelings on Phaedra and Apollo.

“I definitely feel redeemed from the feud with Apollo and Phaedra.” This was quite evident with the airing of Sunday’s show with Kenya and Phaedra making amends and hopefully slowing working to build a better friendship. Only time will tell.

Many fans think of Kenya and Cynthia as an unlikely pair of friends.

“How so? We’re both models/beauty queens that love fashion, worked in New York, and know most of the same people.” Now that things have changed between Cynthia and Nene, it’s been a lot easier to develop a deeper friendship for Kenya. “You no longer have someone constantly telling you who to be friends with and to choose.”

Will NeNe ever write a check to Detroit Public Schools?

No, I don’t think so,” says Kenya, “People can see the type of person she is. “She used it to show the world how disgusting and evil she is. Why would you shortchange some kids because you want to be in a pissing contest with someone?”


Red Carpet Coverage-Celebrity News- Event Photography/Videography

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