Until now, Baby has kept his silence. However, that all changes today with his first full length interview about the drama with Wayne. Power 105’s Angie Martinez recently spent a weekend with Birdman in Miami Beach to get all the goods.

Until now, Baby has kept his silence. However, that all changes today with his first full length interview about the drama with Wayne. Power 105’s Angie Martinez recently spent a weekend with Birdman in Miami Beach to get all the goods.
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Kevin Hosford
Details given like that isn’t coincidental. Them boys work when it comes to those hip hop cops.
I feel you as I did before. But when your getting money like he is I’m sure those extra dollars isn’t going to hurt him Kingsmen. That picture just isn’t right to me. It will all fan out here in the matter of court dates. If that can be anywhere proven what this shooter is saying… Down goes Frazier. I wish them the best in resolving it. But being from them bricks it’s way more to it then what’s being aired. In this video his body expression tells me different.
I’m paying attention too…considering my daughter is doing her thing with music!!
ILeTisha Underwood Preserving Lives this fight is very important for us to learn because artist always complain about money but the label never gives us numbers on what they spent and contracts they gave to compare it with so this is good! I’m paying attention from both sides of the fence
Wayne is worth a lot more to him alive than dead! If he sells wayne to another label he can grab about 25 mill plus points off his albums and he owns Wayne’s publishing. Wayne is not tupac. Wayne is worth a lot more alive than dead
Baby has one of rhe best deals in the world with universal and we will probably NEVER see his type of deal again. He owns ALL his masters and he gets about $6-$8 per album for every sale. He said he gives his artist $1.00 per album and look at 50
Cent in the news saying he sold 10 million albums and only got paid 10 cent per album. That’s why 50 sold 10 million first album and wayne went platinum first album and they had same amount of money from album sales but 50 made 30 million More from touring
Why wasn’t his last album promoted or whatever the problem was??
Well the deal is 5 albums but he only on his 3rd album looks like wayne is saying I made you a lot of money so give me mine but baby in the hole and he can’t make it back his last 2 albums. But baby seemed to not care about the loss until wayne started complaining
So the problem here is the artist want to share the profits but not share the loses!
Wow $100 million for 3 albums?? He already got $70 Million……where’s the beef?
His 100 million deal is for his last 3 albums not total albums. This is the deal that he resigned with baby. So he only sold like 6 million total on his last 3 albums and he still owes him 2 albums
It wouldn’t lower the budget. The biggest budget of an album is marketing and promotion. In order for wayne to sell those albums he has to spend millions on marketing wayne. You can’t have a hot album and no one knows about it. Plus promo tour is expensive. Baby has to pay for wayne to go from city to city and do all those radio interviews to push the album. That’s stuff is very expensive
He’s sold over 15 million records so far
How many albums do wayne have to sell in order to make back the 100 million and make some profit? So want baby saying is there isn’t anything left because wayne is in the hole from the first 70 million he gave him. So with the deal baby has with universal wayne has to sell 13 million albums just to make back the 70 million baby gave him. Wayne is in the hole
However if Wayne gets co writing credit for his music doesn’t that lower the actual costs of the budget….since he would actually get more of the profits??
No I’m saying he has to have profit on his investment and wayne said the budget was 8 million per album so add up the albums
Artist development costs at over $100 million dollars???
I don’t believe him bro. He’s corny! Can read the fake all over him. Wayne just did a few tracks on the situation. We seen the performance. He’s trying to get out that indictment. #LockHimUp he called the hit ain’t no getting around it. Dude turning state evidence on him. Hell he better talk to God vs Angie. He’s going down!
Even if wayne leaves it will be like like eazy e n dr Dre and baby will still get a cut off of everything he is doing for the remainder of his career
Let’s say it cost him 25 million over the years to make wayne who he is . He don’t want his 25 back he wants 25 plus profit for all his work
What we don’t know is how much money did it cost him to make wayne????
MsKim Taylor one person can’t break even and one leave with profit.
About to take a look now.
Not buying it! We need more he doing a whole lot of talking now
But something isn’t right he try’s to act like “oh he ain’t telling me that”… He playing games he know what he doing!
Artists want more money for themselves now ….gone are the days where the labels do the least work and reap bigger rewards
But he wants Wayne to pay to leave, if anything why not break even then….
Money causes the best of friends to become the quickest of enemies….can we say Weezy earned every dollar and then some??
Birdman was never really a media interview type of guy so this is pretty good so far. That’s a lot of bread to give to a guy you found in the streets at 13 yrs old. This is crazy and money makes you crazy. Baby said 4 of them (him,baby,Drake,Nicki) all on the Forbes list and they are fighting???
Ummm… I can’t say I was convinced. There is some tension there. I understand not wanting to play it out in the media or how media exaggerates. Maybe this thing about him wanting Wayne dead cause him to speak up. As for the money… well he said he gave him 70 million.
I want to see the proof
Preserving Lives he said he gave him 70 mill upfront on a 100 mill contract wow