Red Carpet Coverage-Celebrity News- Event Photography/Videography

30 thoughts on “Drake: 2 Meek: 0”
  1. Sumtingwong Witchu Saunders I think Meeks feelings are starting to get in the way n he worried about cats that were close to her! Let’s see him go at wayne

  2. Drake is very smart by putting the pressure on from a singing cat lol. Even though his rhymes are not real hard it’s a lot of pressure on Meek now to come back and really hit him! We already know meek going to talk about killing him and putting him in the trunk but Drake is hitting below the belt with some real facts!

  3. Drake should do another diss song and call it Charity. Cause Meek is eating off this beef. lmao Get it eating off this beef. lmao hahahahahhahaa

  4. Meeks team is losing right now because they are trying to find a way to make this beef profitable for him while Drake don’t have to wait and don’t need the $ so he going right at him!

  5. Drake is the real money maker right now in hiphop. Drake don’t need this exposure so he is just playing along for love of the game! Meek needs this

  6. Even with this move, he’s doing the same thing everybody else before him did that wanted a buzz to promote themselves. He does NOTHING different to me. lmao

  7. Meek is very smart though. He never had this much press in his life. He is riding it! These moves are thought out very well to keep albums selling!

  8. I think Drake is up but Meek aint dope to me so its like fighting a lil brother. lol Compared to other diss records even Drake’s was lightweight…in my opinion.

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