Written, directed and produced by Tyler Perry, “Too Close to Home” is an 8-episode drama that tells the story of a young woman who escaped her working class upbringing to discover unparalleled success in the fast-paced D.C. political circuit.
Thank you Tyler Perry and 135th Agency for having us at the Press lunch and screening for The new scripted series Too Close to Home. When I heard that this would be different from any other TP movie I had to being a second set of eye with me to view this (Antonio Simmons) and we were both blown away at the first episode. After Mr. Perry broke down the characters he went right in!! I mean he went in!!! This is a must see! Check it out Aug 22nd at 9p.m. Check out some photos below from the event.
Melanie Miranda
They good bruh!! Gettin me into the swing of things…. Lmbo
Antonio Simmons I see you in the cut cuz!
Jason Stephens Sr. How are those twins??