The Internet was on fire about The President’s daughter smoking on something at a music fest so I wanted to ask my readers how do you feel about it. A it ok to be young and have a life? Do you still have to be respectful to your dad’s position? Leave a comment!!


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61 thoughts on “Getting High in the White House ”
  1. I’ve been in her position……not on that big of a scale but it was the same thing. My parents and grandparents were pretty well known around Youngstown and when me and my brother started making music we were too. There were times I would go in C Staples and people I didn’t know knew who I was. When you’re in the public eye you have to understand that your every move is being watched and people are gonna draw their own conclusions from the things you do. Of course they didn’t chose that for themselves just like I didn’t but it is what it is. She’s 18 so she’s free to do what she wants …..she just needs to be able to live with what comes with the territory.

  2. They need to let her live! Being one of the first daughters can be stressful as well. A sheltered life for 8 years of what was supposed to be your childhood can bring about these types of situations once they become “of age”. We’ve ALL been there. Once you hit 18 no one can tell you anything. She has to live and learn. She’s not the first and definitely won’t be the last of the many children who’s parents are the POTUS & FLOTUS to TRY to enjoy a normal life.

    1. That they have but as far as making the childish mistakes that most teens make in their early teenage years. Going to random parties. Being able to just go to a friends house to have fun with out secret service down their neck. Just like most teenagers, even when I was a teen, I was very fortunate to be able to experience many different things. I didn’t learn or appreciate those things until I was an adult. She’s still young and learning. All of these things will be learning experiences for her. Should she be punished, yes but that should be left up to her parents on how to handle her. We’ve all had our fun when we were teens. Maybe not exactly this but we all have a story or two. No parent want to be put on the spot like this but she’s still a child no matter who her parents are.

  3. When their father became President their parents were their voice. They were at an age where whatever decisions their parents made they were included. Even as they got older, they grew up knowing the responsibility that came with that decision. As parents period, when we choose our occupation we do not sit down with our kids and ask them for permission to take on something that is going to provide food, clothing, shelter, etc…for them. We expect them to respect us and themselves, knowing that we were young before and understand they will not always make responsible decisions, still respecting everyone involved especially their particular occupation. My question is, where were the secret service? They are at her summer job.

    1. I said the same thing but the secret service probably just making sure she is safe. I wonder if they can say “what are you doing? Are you serious? You are the presidents daughter! Now get your butt on Air Force one NOW! And I’m telling your dad”

  4. What if they feel like they didn’t sign up for this life! They parents did. She might feel like enough of this White House crap!! I want to check out life

    1. Even still…you’re a reflection of your parents….and what her parents have been through …she should have enough love for them to not want to add fuel to that fire

  5. Danielle Simmons Head I agree. Even with the Photoshopping that’s why I put rumor. I didn’t want to convict her lol. But yes they have been a target to try to bring down parents

  6. I think they have started targeting the children after all these years since they have come of age where it is no longer as sensitive when they were youth. So much photoshop and chop lately. I feel they know the consequences of their actions; their father being president. They should always keep it clean period.

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