With a Heavy heart I regret to inform you that my season of #dwts has to come to an end along with the rest of my tour dates with @musicbykem. After yesterday’s final #dwts performance I went back to the hospital (after the doctors didn’t want me to leave in the first place) only to find out that I don’t have pneumonia but something way more serious and that is having several P.E.’s (blood clots in both sides of my lungs) As you all know I will be the first to always encourage anyone to push through any obstacle that comes along one’s way. But in this case, my health is my current obstacle. .. And in TRUE #tamartian form I must go about this the exact same way as I would anything else. I woke up to a mirror and saw myself this morning and that makes me the winner because that almost wasn’t the case. 🏆Take care of yourselves… I love you and thank you ALL for your support❤️

Sad part is Vince also has blood clot issues & almost died a couple years ago
My BFF!! Get well Tay❤️
Wow, glad they caught them. Prayers for her
I’m glad she made it! I had this issue just a few months ago and it’s nothing to play with! God truly had his hands on her. Just like the doctors told me it was nothing but a miracle that it went to my lungs and not my heart. #prayingforher
Sad because she was killin the stage!
Prayers for her health