The New York Post is reporting that Samsung is in talks with Jay Z to buy TIDAL, the streaming service the Roc Nation founder purchased in October of 2014 and infamously re-launched in March of last year.
The report also notes that in addition to Samsung, Google and Spotify have expressed interest in the company, originally a Swedish brand, but that Samsung has made itself appear to be the strongest of the suitors thanks to “really big” plans that have yet to be teased or unveiled.



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  1. Hov has that money they offering they low ballin talkn 9 figures.. I feel its to early with tidal for him to do that let it build more worth. Samsung defs sees a bright future so let them come back with a bigger offer or others down the line.

  2. Well…its not really Jays to actually sell. Every artist in Tidal has stake which makes all of them owners as well. So trust Jay will be dividing that 9 figures a few ways. I would sell it tho. The only thing it offers is exclusivity to its artists and nothing for the consumer. With piracy and all the other cheaper streaming services out there i don’t see it lasting too long. Unless they pull the ole Taylor Swift and pull all of their artists music off of all other streaming sites. I signed up for the month free subscription just to hear Kanye’s album. Exploring the site tho…its nothing special. I’m about to cancel that joint before they charge me lol!

  3. He can be voted out, but that’s the chance you take in the world of buisness, we have seen CEOs and founders od major companies voted out all the time

  4. He paid 56 million for it and it’s valued at 250 million. Depends on what they offer him. They might say 500 million and he can keep a percentage of the company

  5. I understand that Kingsmen White but why give it up so easy after all of the fighting, backlash, disrespect, and hard work? He’ll sale eventually but I think it’s to early.

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